Bionet X Games are training games using the Biointernet technologies
Bionet X Games by DFF Bionet Life Community
Intuitive Information Sight online training game
Bionet Courses – exercises for Time Travel Management (TTM) Basic Structures users and Bionet Avatars

Welcome to Training Games groups:
My Intention is… – Create Your Inner Intention!
Practical movies – training watching
DFF Today – Update Environment!

Bionet X Games:
Guess the number with 2 Amber Magic Dices.
Online training game for Bionet Avatars.
Online training meeting games with Sergey Avdeev and Kir Korotkov.
Theory and Practices of the Biointernet. Human Light System. Translighters Basic Structures. Love and Feelings.
Intuitive Information Sight online training game
Working with Bionet masks. Ability “to see” without using eyes.
Schrödinger’s Clock.
Define sand clock under the cover, if it exist there now…
MHC Mus Lab Game. My Hourglass Collection Museum and Laboratory here.
Coming soon!