DFF Bionet Life Diagnostic System
using internal non-invasive Bionet test system and external devices like
GDVCAMERA – Gas Discharge Visualization technique using Korotkov images,
OXIMETER – Bionet Pulse diagnostics system using Korotkoff sounds (Blood pressure monitor),
MINDMACHINE – AVS (Audio Visual Stimulation) technology influences your brainwaves and is an extremely effective, non-invasive method of rapidly re-educating your brain’s natural balance.
Coming soon!
Step by step!
What is GDVCAMERA by Dr. Korotkov?

GDVCAMERA is a software and hardware (optoelectronic device) for registration energy field. GDV (Gas Discharge Visualisation), EPC, EPI (ElectroPhotonic Imaging), GDV/EPC, Kirliangraphy, Kirlian photography, Bioelectrography, Electrophotonics, Crownscopy, etc.
GDVCAMERA created in Russia, in 1995 by group of technicians, engineers and programmers: Alexander Laptev, Konstantin Korotkov, Alexander Kuznetsov, Boris Krylov, Olga Belobaba.
Gas Discharge Visualization Technique (GDV) is computer registration and analysis of gas discharge glow (Korotkov Images) of any biological objects placed in a high intensity electromagnetic field
See also:
- GDV scientific basis
- Different names of Bioelectrography (IUMAB website)
- Electrophotonics application

GDV Technologies (EPI Technologies, Crownscopy, Bio-Well Technology etc) is the computer registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of biological objects (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens.
When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge, which is invisible to the human eye, is captured by the camera system and then translated and transmitted back in graphical representations to show energy, stress and vitality evaluations. The images are then mapped to different organs and systems of the body, tapping into Chinese energy meridians.
Bionet Oximeter – DFF Bionet Life Pulse Analysis System.
Computer aided Traditional Chinese Medicine pulse diagnosis using Entropyn technology.

Bionet Mobile app to scan health status in a minute with a wearable sensor. Accuracy of checkup is more than 85% . Using state-of-art pulse diagnosis technology and a holistic approach of oriental medicine.
Helps to choose the right training and yoga, what products are good to eat, and what to avoid, a proper time to work and sleep, taking food. A new unique tool for health promotion, risk monitoring, biohacking.
We want to improve people’s health and quality of a life through implementing the Oriental medicine experience and modern technology.
Innovative technology health tracker
The boom of services and gadgets for the personal healthcare has already begun: trackers of physical activity and physiological analyzers are becoming more accurate, more convenient and more popular. However, the real revolution is yet to come: soon a whole crowd of healthtronics things and devices will surround the people. These devices will not only estimate person’s condition, but also will improve the quality of living, making athletes stronger, kids and elders healthier, wearable computer become personal nutritionist and health consultant.
In 2000, the scientific team in association with the Vladivostok medical institute were working on applying the modern computer analysis technologies in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The pulse sensor was created (as in TCM the pulse is the basis of diagnosis), and the Analysis Software to examine and estimate the pulse readings. This system demonstrate high effectiveness and reliability, it is distributing in Russia, India, USA and other countries.
In 2006, at the scientific and practical conference at the University of Daejeon, South Korea, we have introduced the idea of a personal health monitor based on the analysis of pulse technology (a prototype of Goltsov index).
Today, the trends in personal healthcare are obvious. There are plenty of the devices created and the major technological companies are involved.
The necessity
To prevent disease is much easier than to cure it. Most of serious diseases comes gradually from doing little wrong actions (wrong nutrition, wrong physical and mental work, stresses). Curing serious disease will turn to expenses, loss of health, loss of energy and ability.
How to prevent serious disease?
First, we must identify that something is going wrong. This task is completing by health monitoring systems. The idea of personal health monitor is not new; it is used widely in special medical fields. However, these high-tech systems are expensive and require multiple sensors to be attached throughout the body, sometimes very uncomfortable. The data gathered from these sensors is very specific and may only be interpreted by professional medics.
On the other hand, the consumer-level health monitors (activity trackers) are lack of information about person condition, because they only collect indirect parameters (heart rate, GPS data and other).
Goltsov index applies unique (patented) spectral analysis methods, which allows to identify various conditions of person, and to determine parameters and flow of processes in organism (for now it is about 20 parameters) from a series of pulse waves.
Using this technology in personal health monitor devices, we can get simple and effective solution.

Why a smartphone?
Today, technological environment created by manufacturers of smartphones, allows us to implement our technology right now, and convert almost any modern smartphone into a personal health monitor.
I already have activity tracker (watches).
What are the Goltsov index advantages?
All currently using consumer smart gears are using measurement of indirect parameters (acceleration, HR, GPS) which have no strong connection to any valuable diagnostics information. It cannot tell for sure is something is good for you or not.
Goltsov index is analyzing shape and dynamics of pulse waves (cardio signal), which are directly corresponding to main diagnostics parameters. In addition, we are using our wide expertise in pulse wave analysis.
What are the parameters Goltsov index gives?
A forthcoming application is now implementing a number of parameters. Main parameter is the Functional State that presents a comprehensive evaluation of all body systems. In addition, there is the Predicative mechanism based on long-term monitoring (e.g. within a week the condition worsens therefore increases the risk of developing illness).
We have plans to implement other important diagnostic parameters such as blood pressure, as well as the specific parameters of the pulse, which provides insights into the nature of the changes in the human condition.
All this, along with the accumulated data base analysis (BigData), allows us to classify conditions and it reactions. That offers the prospect of using the system in other areas: Sports, Nutrition, and others.
Bionet App for you
- Be aware of your body condition, and changes, find out when, what and how impacts your health.
- What is good, what is bad for me? Find out how your body react different food, tastes (to make your personal diet), which place is making you feel better, which color of dress or interior is best for you today, and many many more.
- Use tracker for live session during exercises, yoga and meditation to estimate your training level, and adaptation capabilities, to get know how to recover faster, to find right exercises live, it especially important during breathing exercises.
Numbers of tests were carried out. The tests demonstrates the potential of proved Pulse analysis technology in fitness applications. This test also shows that Goltsov index parameters does not correlate directly to Heart Rate, which is used by other fitness trackers.
It is now possible to directly measure the parameters necessary for effective training such as fatigue, endurance, adaptation time, exercise effect.
What are Mind Machines?
- Home
- What are Mind Machines?
Mind machines is multifunctional audio visual stimulation devices for self development
It is for those who step on this difficult and thorny way and took the responsibility for their life, for those who is going uphill
A mind machine (aka brain machine, light and sound machine etc) uses pulsing rhythmic sound, flashing light, or a combination of these, to alter the frequency of the user’s brainwaves.
Mind machines can induce deep states of relaxation, concentration, and in altered states of consciousness, which have been compared to those obtained from meditation and shamanic exploration.
The process applied by mind machines induce brainwave synchronisation or entrainment.
An AVS (Audio Visual Stimulation) system, Light and Sound Relaxation system or a “Mind Machine” is a microprocessor controlled device designed to create relaxation or other mood changing effects through the use of sound and light stimulation.
The user selects a session, puts on headphones and stimulation glasses, and sits back and enjoys the experience, which can be for relaxation, stimulation, meditation or just plain fun depending on the session. More about Mindmachines here.