Structure transformation technique
Any system that develops a person should increase the level of material well-being. And this is one of the criteria for the correctness of the system or the correctness of its application. A lot of people who begin to apply any practices (spiritual, cleansing, etc.) and their familiar world, which provides them with resources, begins to fall apart. Most often, this happens due to a misinterpretation of development systems and an attempt to cleanse itself of parasitic connections.
If through these connections a person received a resource (perhaps in exchange for energy or information), then, naturally, the resource begins to decrease as a result, and quickly. Link cleaning systems must be combined with the operator construction of new links. For, if you yourself do not create connections to replace the lost ones, then some other parasitic entity will definitely cling to a clean place. The void must be filled.
Therefore, the TTM (BLAGA System) basic structures was designed as a system for the transformation of existing connections, and not their purification. Let us explain how the system of transformation of TTM connections works.
Each person has already developed various connections when interacting with other objects (people, organizations, social institutions, etc.). Some may be conditionally considered good, and some bad (parasitic).
We do not introduce the evaluation criterion, so as not to confuse the essence of the issue. Let us assume that parasitic connections cause defects in the human structure. TTM (BLAGA System) basic structures creates conditions for the restructuring and completion of human ties, in which parasitic characteristics decrease, and useful ones increase or arise. Although ties may remain or even intensify.
Some analogy: imagine a crystal in which there are defects (dislocations, impurities, or something else). You can try to clean the crystal (zone melting, recrystallization, etc.), or you can complete the defects to a new useful structure, which will become the master of new unexpected and strong processes.
There are figures that are formed from dots in a plastic cube. Each dot is a plastic defect, and together they form a beautiful ornament or sculpture.
Another analogy common in nature is symbiosis. Former parasites are mutually beneficial. For example, mitochondria – once it was a bacterium and lived its own life. Now it is a part of any cell, providing it with energy.
TTM, like other Basic Structures in Translighters Ecosystem, does not fight with anything and cannot help in the fight with anything. TTM helps to create conditions for the most effective coexistence and mutual support.
There is such a struggle – it’s called aikido. The masters of this fight always use the enemy’s energy with minimal expenditure of their own to achieve their goal. TTM – information aikido.
You can help yourself and strengthen the action of the TTM. But it is important to understand the principle – to transform the existing connections, building them up to the next level of interaction, when the parasitic essence of the connection disappears, and complementarity appears.
In fairy tales, similar models of transformation are often given. In the fairy tale about the sleeping princess, the initial death plot is transformed into a kind of death – a dream, with the appearance of additional wonderful details – a prince, love, happiness.
You need to take a sheet of paper of at least A4 size.
Divide it like a game of tic-tac-toe into 9 parts.
It is desirable to draw lines as thin and inconspicuous as possible.
Next, take the TTM (BLAGA System) card in your left hand and formulate the problem that you want to solve, but which has not yet been solved due to any obstacles.
Take a pencil or pen in your right hand.
Display your problem in one of the 5 fields lying on the axes of a piece of paper in the form of an abstract drawing, expertly releasing your hand and performing spontaneous movements with it.
Try not to control these movements with your mind. It is desirable that the drawing is not associated with a problem.
Strongly do not fill the drawing field with lines. Let there be not many better lines, but there will be a feeling of correct display.
In fact, it is a hand dance.
Then do the same with other fields lying on the axes.
You have received five drawings that make up the cross.
In fact, you crucified your problem.
Now move on to the next phase.
Operator transformation with display scale increase. Formulate once again the intention that you want to realize as a goal.
Now imagine that a certain stream of benefits flows from the TTM System, which is necessary to achieve the goal and brings you to another structural state and passes through you into the other hand.
Then again draw on this sheet, but already on the entire field, capturing both empty parts and already filled ones.
Try to fit the filled parts into the new drawing that appears to make one whole.
Draw until you feel satisfied with the work done.
Again, in general, the drawing is quite abstract, although locally it may contain individual recognizable details such as any symbols, faces, figures, signs, etc. There are no strict rules. This is the flight of the soul and fantasy.
Dance of the hand in the space of variants or in the realities of parallel times. That is, these are movements not in space, but in time, space-time.
This technology allows you to use the established connections and structures without destroying them, but transforming them into a new whole, more ambitious in its manifestation.
The main idea is if it is for my good, then let it be, and if not, then let it go or change.